Common Types of Maryland Workers' Compensation Injury Claims
Top 10 Most Dangerous Jobs
in Maryland
2,044 Claims
736 Claims
1,404 claims
694 Claims
934 Claims
683 Claims
939 Claims
675 Claims
840 Claims
668 Claims
Top 10
Body Parts Injured
Maryland Workers’
Compensation Demographics
claims filed for men 9,317
claims filed for women What People Should Know
Before Taking a Dangerous Job
- Nearly all Maryland employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to protect employees who are injured in workplace accidents or diagnosed with an occupational illness.
- Workers’ compensation benefits can include medical coverage, partial wage replacement, disability benefits, and death benefits.
- You must report a workplace injury within 10 days of the accident or within 1 year of being diagnosed with a job illness.
- A workers’ compensation lawyer can help prepare a workers’ compensation claim and represent injured employees in any disputes or appeals.
Get a Hardworking Waldorf
Workers’ Compensation Attorney
By Your Side Now
Struggling to get workers’ compensation in Maryland? You’ve got a friend at Trollinger Law. Waldorf attorney Matt Trollinger is a battle-tested trial lawyer who will seek maximum workers’ comp benefits on your behalf.
Schedule a free consultation by calling or using our online contact form.