Life after being injured in a truck accident is never easy. You’re in pain. Medical bills are piling up. Going to work is impossible. And even worse, you may have no guarantees about whether you’ll make a full recovery.
In Maryland, truck accident victims can seek compensation for their injuries if someone else is responsible for the wreck. A successful injury claim can relieve your financial burdens and set the stage for a more stable future.
But claims involving commercial trucks are complex. Your best chance at favorable results will come by working with an experienced truck accident attorney. If you’ve been hurt in Frederick, turn to Trollinger Law LLC.
Our accomplished Maryland truck accident attorneys understand the strict federal and state laws governing the trucking industry. We will listen to your story, figure out what went wrong, and demand compensation from every liable party.
You don’t deserve to suffer due to someone else’s negligence. Call or reach out to us online for a free case evaluation.
Client Testimonial of Car Accident in Frederick
What Makes Truck Accidents So Complicated?
Truck accidents are devastating events that can cause catastrophic injuries and extensive property damage. Getting fair compensation for what you’re owed can be more complicated than a regular crash for many reasons:
- Several parties could potentially be at fault. Many parties are involved in the trucking industry, not just the truck driver and truck company. The truck’s owner, third-party repair shops, mechanics, the freight company, and the automaker or parts manufacturer are also potential defendants in a truck accident case. Other individuals, such as neighboring motorists or pedestrians, could also be to blame. An experienced truck accident lawyer will analyze the facts of the case and make sure every liable party is held accountable for their part in the crash.
- There could be more victims. In multi-vehicle accidents involving trucks, many people may be injured and entitled to compensation. As a result, the financial resources of the at-fault party(s) may become strained, making it more difficult for accident victims to receive compensation. Your attorney can explore every possible avenue for you to recover maximum compensation for your injuries.
- The injuries are typically worse. When truck accident victims suffer serious injuries, pursuing a legal claim can become challenging because of the extensive financial losses involved and because accident victims may still be undergoing treatment when they bring their claim. A qualified truck accident lawyer will calculate anticipated future expenses when placing a value on your case.
- Truck accident claims require more evidence. Investigating a truck accident requires reviewing a wide range of documentation and data created while operating commercial trucks. This includes evidence such as driver logs, vehicle data recorder information, load manifests, inspection and maintenance records, and background checks/employment histories for the driver. Collecting and analyzing this evidence takes time, and your truck accident lawyers may hire industry experts to help make sense of the information.
- You’re going up against complex corporate and insurance structures. Many trucking companies operate with complex business structures or have layered insurance policies that can make it difficult to determine the extent of the financial resources available to compensate accident victims. A knowledgeable truck accident attorney will be familiar with these structures, which can help speed up the claims process.

Causes of Truck Accidents in Frederick
Many truck accidents result from the careless or reckless actions of truck drivers and the companies that employ them. Examples of common causes of truck crashes in Frederick include:
- Speeding
- Tailgating
- Distracted driving
- Drunk driving
- Drugged driving
- Drowsy or fatigued driving
- Driver error
- Driver inexperience
- Unbalanced or unsafe cargo loads
- Improper maintenance
- Vehicle defects
- Bad weather
- Poor road conditions
Evidence in a Truck Accident Claim
At Trollinger Law LLC, our truck accident lawyers will collect and review the evidence necessary to prove your case. This may include:
- The truck driver’s log may indicate whether the driver had driven beyond their hours-of-service limitations and therefore may have been drowsy at the time of the accident.
- The truck’s “black box,” or electronic data recorder log, can record information about the truck’s operation in the moments leading up to the wreck, including its GPS position, speed, how long the engine had been running, and potentially even steering, braking, and acceleration inputs by the driver.
- The truck driver’s drug/alcohol screening records, since drivers might be required by law enforcement or their employer to undergo testing after a crash.
- Dashcam or in-cab camera footage, which may show what the driver was doing before an accident.
- The truck driver’s cell phone records and dispatch records, which might help show if a driver was distracted before the crash.
- The load manifest, which may reveal if the truck had been overloaded or had an unbalanced load that could have caused the driver to lose control of the vehicle.
- The truck’s maintenance and inspection records, including the driver’s daily inspection reports. This information could show whether potential mechanical problems had been identified and ignored.
In addition to these pieces of evidence unique to truck accident claims, we also look at evidence common to all kinds of motor vehicle accidents, such as medical records, police accident reports, accident scene photos, and video, surveillance or traffic cam footage, eyewitness statements, and vehicle damage reports.
Truck Accident Lawyers in Frederick, MD
Compensation in a Truck Accident Claim
If you were injured in a Maryland truck accident, you may be entitled to pursue compensation for the losses you suffered due to the accident and your injuries, including:
- Costs of medical treatment and physical rehabilitation
- Lost income
- Lost earning potential, if the accident inflicts long-term or permanent disabilities that prevent you from working
- Property damage
- Lost quality of life
- Pain and suffering
A Frederick truck accident lawyer will look at the facts of your case and demand maximum compensation that accounts for all of your injuries and losses.
Time Limit for Filing a Truck Accident Lawsuit in Frederick
Under Maryland’s statute of limitations, you generally have three years from the date of a truck accident to file your lawsuit against the parties responsible for the crash. Fail to file your lawsuit within that time, and your case may be permanently dismissed.
What to Do After a Semi-Truck Accident
Following a semi-truck accident, taking the following steps may help put you in the best possible position to pursue compensation for your losses.
At the accident scene:
- Call 911. Get medical treatment if it’s recommended.
- Record the name, license, registration, and employer information from the truck driver, along with the contact and insurance information of any other drivers involved in the accident.
- Document the crash site by taking photos or video of vehicle damage, traffic controls, skid marks in the road, and any visible injuries you may have sustained.
- Identify witnesses and get their contact information.
- See your primary physician or another medical provider as soon as possible to diagnose your injuries and prescribe a treatment plan.
- Contact a Frederick truck accident lawyer to discuss notifying the insurance company and what to do when the truck company’s insurers come calling.
- Avoid discussing the accident on social media or posting photos or videos of yourself while undergoing treatment. Insurance adjusters and defense attorneys often use accident victims’ social media posts to attack their credibility.
- Keep copies of all bills, invoices, and accident-related receipts.
- Start a diary or journal of your recovery to document the pain, suffering, and difficulties your injuries and treatment have imposed on your life.
How a Truck Accident Attorney at Trollinger Law LLC Can Help You
At Trollinger Law LLC, we provide compassionate and comprehensive legal services to injured people. We will:
- Thoroughly investigate the truck accident
- Recover and review all relevant evidence
- Identify the parties responsible for the crash
- Determine what financial resources can be accessed to compensate you for your expenses and losses
- Consult with accident reconstruction specialists, medical experts, vocational representatives, and financial planners to help us prove fault and establish the extent of your past, ongoing, and future losses
- Dedicate time to understand your needs and goals
- File your claims for compensation and negotiate aggressively for a full and fair settlement
- Take your claim to trial if a fair settlement cannot be reached
Most personal injury cases resolve with settlements. But at Trollinger Law LLC, we prepare each case as if it’s going to trial. That way, we can pivot quickly if settlement negotiations break down.
Need a Trucking Accident Lawyer in Frederick, MD? Call Us Now
Trollinger Law LLC is an accomplished personal injury firm representing clients in Frederick, Waldorf, Charles County, and Southern Maryland. Call or contact us for a free consultation.