Trollinger a featured panelist for 2017 Workers’ Compensation Conference
Every year, the Maryland workers’ compensation community comes out to Ocean City to learn about trends in the law, working together and to hear from our Maryland Commissioners about how to make our workers’ compensation system better. Insurance adjusters, defense attorneys, injured worker attorneys, doctors, and physical therapists are all among the attendees. The MWCEA website describes its mission as the following:
The Maryland Workers’ Compensation Educational Association (MWCEA) is dedicated to promoting education, communication and collegiality by bringing together the Maryland Workers’ Compensation community to provide a forum for employees, employers, insurers, program administrators, medical and rehabilitation providers and attorneys. Our goal is to provide education and support for the strategic continuation and betterment of the Workers’ Compensation system to the benefit of all participants.
“Don’t Get Caught in a Tangled Web” Social Media in Workers’ Compensation Cases
Matt Trollinger was honored to be a part of the MWCEA program and on Tuesday, September 19th, 2017, Trollinger joined workers compensation attorneys, Lance Montour (defense), Matt Peffer (moderator and injured worker attorney), and Commissioner Jeffery Herwig, to discuss the potential pitfalls of social media in Maryland workers’ compensation cases.
Among the topics discussed: when and how to approach your clients’ social media postings; what importance does the court really place on this form of evidence; what reality do your social media relationships create for your clients; and to what extent can counsel access social media postings (public or private) and whether such information is “discoverable” or if it can be shared with other parties.
What you say online can and WILL be used against you!
Matt Trollinger advises his clients when he meets with them that they need to be careful online,
“As a Maryland personal injury attorney, I tell every single one of my client’s about how Facebook, Twitter, and any online posting can be used against them in their car accident or workers’ compensation case. In this situation, what you don’t know can very much harm you and your case.”
Insurance companies love to take pictures or posts out of context, but many times they don’t even have to. It’s easy to shoot yourself in the foot in your Maryland injury case. Make sure when you meet with your attorney to discuss your case, you talk to them about what has already been posted.
Five Quick Tips if You Have a Social Media Account
Here are 5 quick tips every injured person must know if they have any online accounts:
- Assume that you are being watched! Even if you adjust your privacy settings, coworkers or supervisors may be watching your online activity.
- Do not discuss your injuries online. You may feel good one day and bad the next. Your recovery is sure to be full of highs and lows as you recover from your car accident or work injury. A competent defense attorney would love to show a blow up of your post, from your own fingertips, saying that you’re all better when you’re not.
- Do not delete posts you’ve already posted. If you’re afraid of what you’ve posted, you CAN shut your social media account off, or put it on private but you cannot delete it (even if you think you’ve deleted it, it can never really be deleted anyway). The reason is, a court could find that you’ve destroyed evidence and you could be subject to sanctions.
- Do not use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc… to vent about your Employer or the at fault driver. They may be complete jerks. You may be right. But a jury, judge or commissioner may look at things differently. Instead of posting online, talk to your spouse, friend or journal about it!
- Talk with your attorney about what is okay and what’s not okay. Some clients rely on social media to market their secondary jobs or keep in touch with family. That’s okay, as long as you have a discussion with your attorney about what could be taken out of context.
Trollinger Law LLC knows what’s at stake and how to help
The last thing an injured worker or someone hurt in a car crash needs is for their case to be harmed by an online post. Matt Trollinger will fight to ensure full compensation for your injuries. We will help you navigate the treacherous waters of your car crash or work injury claim. We work hard so that you understand what land mines are out there, how to avoid them, and most importantly that you can focus on getting healthy again.
Trollinger Law LLC only represents the injured. Based in Waldorf, Maryland, Matt Trollinger represents clients in Southern Maryland, Prince George’s County, Montgomery County, Frederick County, Anne Arundel County and all throughout the state. Whether it’s a car accident or a work injury, you can trust Matt Trollinger to fight for you. Call us at 301-965-8500 for a free consultation about your case!